Benefits of Investing in a Fixer-Upper Home


If you're looking to invest in a property, there are many pros of going down the fixer-upper route. Sure, buying a newly finished home that needs little to no work seems more straightforward, but it's much less personal.

The possibilities are endless with a fixer-upper property, meaning you can install all the best fittings and features, like aluminium doors by Window Factory, or that dream conservatory you have always wanted, for example. Your dream home can become a reality that you wake up to every morning, and it'll be even more rewarding if you've created it yourself.

From a more attainable price point to limiting the amount of competition, here are some of the main benefits of investing in a fixer-upper home.

Lower Price Point

It's typically costly to invest in a newly finished home that doesn't require a great deal of work. With fixer-upper properties, the price point is much lower and more attainable. This leaves you money left over to turn the property into your dream home.

Fully Customisable

You would have the incredible opportunity to design your new home any way you want it with the money you'd save by choosing a fixer-upper property. Not only do you get to decide how to design and fix up your new home, but you also have full control over what order everything happens in. Is having the perfect bathroom top of your list? Maybe a gorgeous bedroom or comfortable living area? Your main priorities will come first because you get to dictate how and when your dream home plans unfold.

Access to Better Neighbourhoods

We all want to live in a safe, happy, desirable neighbourhood, but this can be a costly dream to have. Going down the fixer-upper route helps those with a lower price range gain access to better neighbourhoods. When a neighborhood is in high-demand, houses rarely stay on the market for long, and prices get driven up massively. Fixer-upper homes are less likely to be on everyone's radar, and investing in one is the perfect way to get your foot in the door of a highly desirable area.

Less Competition

As we know, the housing market can be a competitive and ruthless place, often resulting in price hikes and bidding wars for a perfect, pristine property in a desirable location. One of the easiest ways to ensure you're getting value for money and not overpaying is to choose the fixer-upper option. These tend to be priced much more fairly, and you're less likely to end up with lots of competition because they're in lower demand.

Specific Fixer-Upper Loans

There are various loan and mortgage options explicitly designed for fixer-upper properties. As these options are meant to improve local communities and neighbourhoods, you can receive very fair interest rates and an available mortgage.

Adds Value

If and when the time comes that you'd like to move on from your fixed-up home, the renovations and improvements you've made, such as a new modern kitchen, will bump up the value massively. It's not only an investment for the present while you work on and live in the property, but an investment in your future. It's a longterm project that comes with short and longterm benefits!


If you're looking for a new project, there's none better or more rewarding than a fixer-upper home. If you've got a specific type of house in mind, there's no need to try to make overpriced finished houses on the market fit your vision. Invest in a fixer-upper property and make your vision a reality instead. The sky is the limit!