Modern Mississauga presents Ask The City - Are there any free City programs I can encourage my older parents to join to keep their minds and bodies active during COVID-19?

Modern Mississauga and the City of Mississauga have come together to present an ongoing series called “Ask the City.” We’ll share relevant information here and answer your questions about our city.
Today’s question is about virtual programs for older adults.

Are there any free City programs I can encourage my older parents to join to keep their minds and bodies active during COVID-19?


Yes! The City is offering virtual activities for older adults ages 60+ four days a week, every week. Activities include coffee talk, hot topics, fitness classes and yarn crafting. Participants can join by computer, tablet or phone.

To join for free, visit

For more information on guidance for older adults and caregivers, visit

If you’ve got a question about the City, we want to hear from you!
Please send your questions to with “Ask the City” in the subject line.