Mississauga Introduces The First "Quiet Street"


On August 20th, the City launched its first Quiet Street in Ward 1 at St. Lawrence Dr. near Port Street East. in Port Credit. Quiet Streets are intended to encourage slow traffic and limit vehicle volume to local traffic only. They are temporary, short-term installations to provide more space for cyclists, walkers and runners to safely and comfortably use the road while being able to physical distance.

Along with Quiet Streets and lower neighbourhood speed limits, the City has also launched 17.9 km of new separated and on-road bike lanes that will be installed by the end of the year. Several key City strategic initiatives support the rapid expansion of the cycling network in Mississauga, including the Cycling Master Plan, the Climate Change Action Plan, and the Transportation Master Plan. The Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee was also consulted in the development of the framework.

Quiet Streets were recommended as part of the COVID-19 Active Transportation Recovery Framework. Installations involve temporary barricades and signs to indicate to drivers that their travel path has been altered, along with warning to take extra care if they live in the area and are navigating the road. The barricades will allow for easy movement of essential emergency service vehicles as well as waste and road maintenance vehicles. Specific layouts will vary somewhat depending on characteristics such as road width and parking usage on each roadway.

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The City will roll out eight Quiet Street sites over the next week with the potential for a total of 22 locations by the end of the month. Quiet Streets will not be implemented on multi-lane major collector or arterial roadways or with roads that have MiWay routes. Quiet Streets will be in place until October 15, 2020 in order to allow time to prepare for the winter season and for winter maintenance machinery such as snow plows.

Work has also begun on the Neighbourhood Area Speed Limit Project, which includes lowering speed limits to 30 km/h in neighbourhood school zones, implementing school area community safety zones and lowering speed limits on residential streets to 40 km/h.

Learn more about how the City is keeping pedestrians and cyclists moving safely in Mississauga, through the Active Transportation COVID-19 Recovery Framework report, approved by Council in July 2020. To stay up-to-date on COVID-19 impacts on City services, visit mississauga.ca/recovery and follow the City on Twitter @citymississauga.