2024 Ward 5 Candidate Profile - Ehsan Khandaker

With the upcoming 2024 Ward 5 election happening on June 10th, Modern Mississauga Media has reached out to all candidates inviting them to answer the same five questions so voters can become more familiar with them.
Invitations went out to all candidates.
Click here to read all of the Ward 5 candidate profiles and check back often as responses will be posted within 72 hours of receipt.

Candidate answers are unedited and their contact information is at the bottom if you’d like to connect with them.
Click here to learn how to vote in the Ward 5 election.

Why are you running for Councillor of Ward 5?
I’m running for Ward 5 because I believe we need someone with extensive experience to address the significant issues and challenges that we face as a Ward. Some of the highlights in terms of my motivation to run are:

  • Community Commitment: I am deeply committed to serving our community and addressing the issues that matter most to our residents.

  • Relevant Experience: With 40+ years of extensive experience in Politics, project management, business development, and social services, I have a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities within our ward.

  • Innovative Solutions: My goal is to bring effective, innovative solutions to enhance the quality of life for all residents in Ward 5.

  • Community Engagement: I am passionate about fostering a community where everyone feels heard, valued, and supported.

  • Effective Representation: I believe my experience and dedication uniquely position me to represent and advocate for our ward effectively.

What are your top 3 campaign priorities and why?
There are many issues that we are facing as a community, and I mention more about how we can tackle those on my website, however 3 of my main priorities would be: 

Housing Affordability:

    • Addressing the Crisis: Housing affordability is a pressing issue in Ward 5 and across Mississauga. Many residents are struggling to find affordable housing, and this affects the stability and well-being of our community.

    • Solutions: I plan to work on policies that increase the availability of affordable housing units, promote mixed-income developments, and support programs for first-time homebuyers. By collaborating with developers and utilizing city resources effectively, we can create a more inclusive housing market.

Enhancing Community Safety and Stopping Auto Theft:

    • Combating Crime: Ensuring the safety of our residents is paramount. While Ward 5 is a generally safe area, we have seen an increase in certain types of crime, and it is essential to address these concerns head-on.

    • Initiatives: I will advocate for increased police presence and community policing initiatives. Additionally, I will support programs that focus on crime prevention through community engagement and youth outreach, creating a safer environment for all.

Increased Services:

    • Youth Engagement: Our youth are the future of Ward 5. It is crucial to provide them with opportunities and resources to thrive. This includes educational programs, recreational activities, and job training initiatives.

    • Seniors Support: Seniors are a vital part of our community. We need to ensure they have access to the services and support they need to lead fulfilling lives. This includes improving accessibility to healthcare, enhancing senior centers, and providing social and recreational activities tailored to their needs.

    • Comprehensive Programs: By developing comprehensive programs that cater to both youth and seniors, we can foster a more connected and supportive community, ensuring that all residents, regardless of age, have the resources and opportunities they need.

How do you plan to actively involve and include residents in community decisions?
I intend to be very active in engaging all of my constituents, and I want them to be part of the decision making process at every step, we can achieve this by regularly committing to: 

Regular Town Hall Meetings:

    • Open Dialogue: Hosting monthly town hall meetings to create a forum for open dialogue where residents can voice their concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback.

    • Accessibility: Ensuring these meetings are accessible by holding them at various times and locations, and providing virtual attendance options.

Community Advisory Boards:

    • Representation: Establishing advisory boards comprised of residents from diverse backgrounds to represent various community interests and perspectives.

    • Collaboration: Working closely with these boards to ensure their input directly informs policy and decision-making processes.

Surveys and Polls:

    • Feedback Collection: Conducting regular surveys and polls to gather residents' opinions on key issues and proposed initiatives.

    • Transparency: Sharing the results with the community to demonstrate how their feedback is being used to shape decisions.

Social Media and Online Platforms:

    • Engagement: Utilizing social media and dedicated online platforms to keep residents informed about upcoming decisions, community events, and to solicit their input.

    • Interaction: Encouraging active participation by responding to comments and questions in a timely manner.

Open Office Hours:

    • Accessibility: Setting aside specific times each week for residents to meet with me personally to discuss their concerns and ideas.

    • Responsiveness: Ensuring all communications are acknowledged and addressed promptly.

Community Partnerships:

    • Collaboration: Partnering with local organizations, schools, and businesses to engage a broader segment of the community in decision-making processes.

    • Support: Leveraging these partnerships to support community-led initiatives and projects.

How will you be actively supporting our local businesses if elected?  |
Our local businesses are the heartbeat of our economy in Ward 5, and actively supporting them by creating an environment where they can flourish is a big part of my plan for prosperity in the Ward. 

Small Business Grants and Loans:

    • Financial Support: Advocating for increased funding for grants and low-interest loans to help small businesses start, grow, and thrive in Ward 5.

    • Emergency Aid: Establishing a fund to provide financial assistance during emergencies or economic downturns.

Streamlining Regulations and Permitting:

    • Simplifying Processes: Working to streamline the business permitting and licensing processes to make it easier and faster for businesses to get up and running.

    • Reducing Red Tape: Reviewing and reducing unnecessary regulations that may hinder business growth and operations.

Improving Infrastructure:

    • Transportation and Access: Investing in transportation and infrastructure improvements that make it easier for customers to access local businesses.

    • Beautification Projects: Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of commercial areas through beautification projects, such as better lighting, landscaping, and public art.

Business Advisory Council:

    • Engagement: Establishing a Business Advisory Council comprising local business owners and stakeholders to provide ongoing feedback and advice on policies affecting the business community.

    • Policy Input: Ensuring that the council has a direct line of communication with the city council to influence decisions and initiatives.

What does Ward 5 currently excel at?

Ward 5 is Canada’s gateway to the world, and in of itself it is the world within a Ward.

Ward 5 excels in its vibrant diversity, where people from various cultures and backgrounds collaborate to enrich the community. I have seen first-hand how many residents, despite facing economic challenges, display resilience and unity, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. 

This multicultural fabric is a testament to the ward’s strength, as neighbors from different walks of life work together to make the area a welcoming and dynamic place to live. As vibrant as Ward 5 is today, its future potential is what excites me the most, as I believe the possibilities for the Ward are endless. 
