Anti-Racist resources in and around Mississauga

This list is a starting point meant to initiate conversations in and around our community.
Learn and listen, and then act.

Anti-Racist resources in and around Mississauga.png

The Black Community Action Network of Peel (BCAN)
The Black Community Action Network of Peel (BCAN) represents a network of various organizations, professionals, residents and allies who are united in a mission to promote equity-focused systems change and community empowerment through advocacy, community organizing and development, leadership development, community education and research.

African Community Services of Peel (ACS)
African Community Services of Peel (ACS) is a not-for-profit community based charitable Organization that provides settlement and integration services and programs that facilitate the early settlement of newcomers to Peel and the surrounding area.

African Canadian Community Support Foundation
African Canadian Community Support Foundation provides black youth and family services with clothing; financial assistance; housing services for low-income families; employment supports (job counselling, resume writing, & job searching); education supports; housing accommodations for African seniors.

Black Community Advisory Council of United Way of Peel Region (BCAC)
Provision of Advice to United Way of Peel Region about services and initiatives for the Black population in Peel, Mentoring (youth); specific initiatives for the Black community.

Canadian Black Community Development
Call: 416-580-8071. The organization has plans to operate an employment center that win provide resources, job searching, access to computers, as well as library to facilitate training primarily for youth in low income families.

CEREFRAC (Centre culturel de ressources francophone pour les communautés ethniques)
Le CEREFRAC est un organisme de charité qui favorise l'accueil, l'établissement et l'intégration socioéconomique des immigrants, francophones de la région de Peel, en offrant des programmes et services qui améliorent leur vie.

Child Development Resource Connection Peel (CDRCP)
Early Years for children; education and resources; child and family programs; referrals; interpretative services.

Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood (Drop-in) Centre
Employment; counselling; language services newcomer programs; youth mentoring; family programs; conflict resolution; caregiver information and education.

Family Services of Peel
Call: 905-677-0551. Immediate intervention services for victims of violence; individual, couple, & family counselling; group therapy; partner assault response program (separate classes for men and women)

Malton Neighbourhood Services: Malton Caribbean Seniors Group
Seniors group (games, trips, movies, discussions)

Nexus Youth Centre(s)
Counselling for youth; internet access; resume/ job search assistance; recreational activities; social support and skill development groups, and volunteer opportunities; help with employment searching; and help with locating housing.

Liberation Therapy & Consulting - Mississauga
Therapy from an Afro-centric Lens (fee based), including: cognitive behavioural, brief solution-focused, narrative, family, etc.

Malton Black Development Association
Annual scholarship awards; social events; Black history program; referrals to agencies, boards and commissions for professional services; youth and adult recreational/sports activities; mentoring for youth; provide cultural support for seniors with similar background.

Black Lives Matter Toronto
A platform upon which black communities across Toronto can actively dismantle all forms of anti-black racism, liberate blackness, support black healing, affirm black existence, and create freedom to love and self-determine.

Healing Collective Toronto
Healing Collective Toronto has started a GoFundMe to support Black therapists who will offer Black-led healing with low/no cost mental health workshops.

Not Another Black Life
Toronto-based black activist group on Facebook.

The Michaëlle Jean Foundation
The Michaëlle Jean Foundation is an initiative that uses the arts to empower Black youth, primarily in the Greater Toronto Area.

Afri-Can FoodBasket
Afri-Can FoodBasket is a community based non-profit organization that has been championing Food Justice and Food Sovereignty for Toronto’s African, Caribbean, Black (ACB) community since 1995.  The organization is committed to enhancing the nutrition, health, employment and food access needs of the ACB community, particularly to those who are economically and socially vulnerable.

This list has been sourced from the Mississauga Communities website.