12 professional secrets for excellent ways to clean your house

Okay, let’s spill the beans right from the start: professional cleaners have the equipment and industrial-grade detergents that you simply don’t need for everyday use. That’s why cleaning like a pro is a kind of metaphor, we dare say. However, when we say that you can learn to tackle the matter of cleaning your house professionally, we tell the truth. It’s all in the method, not in the brand of a vacuum cleaner or a shower spray. If you follow a specific order of cleaning and pay attention to spots that you may miss otherwise, you will make your house look spotless, and that’s what we expect to get when we book a cleaning by professionals.
In the Mississauga and Greater Toronto Area, for example, JH 360 Cleaning, is a strong resource.

So how do you achieve this kind of perfection and make your house shine?


  1. Follow a specific cleaning order in a room: move top to bottom and from the farthest corner of the room to the doors. In such a way, you’ll move consistently to the exit and will progress naturally to the next area of your house. When you clean the upper areas first, you let the dust settle on the floor and then remove it completely while vacuuming. When moving horizontally, finish one side of the room (starting with the farthest corner) and then switch to another one. In such a way, you won’t leave any spot uncleaned.

  2. The walls, ceiling, and baseboards also need cleaning. You may not clean them often, but once in a while dust the walls and ceiling. A dry microfiber mop or a towel on a broom will do the job. Baseboards may need some scrubbing, but it’s worth it.

  3. Light fixtures (and ceiling fans) need cleaning, too. 

  4. Deal with clutter first. It can mean a few things at once: you put away everything that’s out of place to where these things belong. Or, if the clutter is a natural décor on your table or shelves, put it all into one box, wipe the table/shelves/other surfaces, and then put the items back lovingly (dust them before putting them back, if necessary). It’s more efficient than taking one item, dusting it, dusting the spot under it, putting it back, picking the next item, etc. It will discourage you from cleaning in no time at all. 

  5. While cleaning your bedroom or living room, don’t forget to vacuum upholstered furniture and cloth lampshades. Use a slower speed or a special attachment so as not to damage the fabric surfaces.  

  6. Get yourself a good extension cord, if you own a corded vacuum. You can carry it around the room without extra effort and even venture into other spaces without unplugging. 

  7. Since we started talking about a vacuum cleaner, remember that you can use it in your kitchen as well. Crumbs, spilled sugar, and other food residues that can gather in remote places like drawers, stoves, or far corners are nicely removed by a special vacuum attachment for narrow places.

  8. Since we’re in the kitchen now, here’s a tip: apply a cleaning product to a very dirty surface with stubborn stains and leave it for some time. Move on to other tasks in the meantime. After 15 or 20 minutes return and clean the dirt easily, without scrubbing. 

  9. Clean the cabinet under the sink and the sink drain. They are both breeding grounds for germs and smell, and you won’t want it. There are a lot of agents for drain cleaning and disinfecting, so keep them at hand. Don’t forget to rinse the sink and the drain thoroughly after cleaning.

  10. In the bathroom, after the first round of cleaning, take a sit on the toilet and look around. No, it’s not a joke. While you look from the viewpoint of regular use, so to say, you can see immediately what spots need additional cleaning or tidying. So do it. 

  11. Before starting the cleanup, make a list of products you may need and stock up on them. Microfiber cloths and sponges also belong to products. Put them into a basket or a caddy to move around the house easily. 

  12. Put together a list of energetic music you like that will keep your moods high and your vigor bubbling during the cleaning. Reward yourself with something nice after the cleanup. Professionals are paid for what they do. So treat yourself like a professional. 

Hope our tips will help you to get through the chores with less pain and grumpiness. Or else, book the services from our master maid cleaning company and see how the truly professional and great cleaning is done – in your very own house!