In terms of necessity, exercise and focusing on mental health remains a priority, even while provincewide shutdown and stay-at-home measures are in place.
The City of Mississauga continues to offer a variety of activities that you can enjoy both safely in your home and outdoors. Remember to only socialize with individuals in your household or essential supports, and take precautions like physical distancing (2 metres/6 feet), wearing a face covering and practising proper hand hygiene if you decide to go outdoors.
Check out some of these winter activities that you can enjoy safely outdoors in Mississauga.
Enjoy the outdoors and our free, fun skate drop-in programs at an outdoor City rink or natural ice rink. Skaters are required to maintain physical distancing of 2 metres/6 feet from other groups; face coverings are required when unable to maintain a safe distance. Change rooms are closed; benches and chairs are set up for skaters to change their skates.
Reservations are required seven days in advance on for outdoor rink drop-in fun skates, including Mississauga Celebration Square.
There are six public toboggan hills you can enjoy from December to March (weather dependent). If the hill is crowded, please visit at another time or try another location.