The local Mississauga food centre (Eden Food For Change) is hosting the annual “Coldest Night Of the Year” walk to help raise awareness for the homeless, hungry and hurting. The walk will be virtual again this year due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Individuals and families are invited to walk, ski, skate, or snowshoe (2KM or 5KM) around the block or at a local park. Participants can share their experience by posting a photo or video on social media.
This will be my 4th year walking with team “Streetsville Jason Troopers” in memory of Ralph Faustino aka. Streetsville Jason who roamed the streets quietly struggling with mental illness [Read More]
If you can, please join our team Streetsville Jason Troopers or make a small contribution. Every member who raises ($100) will receive a team hoodie (while they last).