Modern Health - The importance of a metabolic makeover


Metabolic Makeover

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) needs to be combined with an important component for fitness and weight loss success. That is a Lifestyle Shift.

There is no quick fix to weight loss or improving fitness. It takes work and accountability. HIIT is one piece of the puzzle, the other two pieces are nutrition and activity throughout the day. 


Nutrition and Hydration

You can exercise all day but, if you don’t include nutrition in the mix, you won’t lose weight and you won’t have a balanced approach to good health. 

This involves a mindful approach to every bite you eat. Balanced approaches to eating include moderation and making water your best friend. Carefully plan what and how much food is consumed each day.

Activity all Day Long - Accountability is 24/7 

Accountability has to do with activity all day long. Check your daily activity levels by creating a weekly log. 

Sample schedule of a typical day for many people:

  1. Start with a half hour workout

  2. Get ready for work

  3. Drive to work

  4. Sit at a desk and eat a pastry and coffee

  5. Walk to the bathroom

  6. Sit at a desk

  7. Walk to the fridge to grab your boxed lunch

  8. Sit at a desk

  9. Go for a coffee and two chocolate chip cookies, sit
    back down at the computer

  10. 10.Drive home or work longer virtual hours

  11. 11.Make dinner and clean up

  12. 12.Watch TV

  13. 13.Go to bed

Does the schedule above sound familiar? Physical activity combined with healthy nutrition and hydration are almost non-existent. It revolves around sitting, sitting and more sitting with a short workout. 

Here’s a Revamped Active Schedule

  1. Six-minute HIIT workout each morning

  2. Nutritional breakfast

  3. Pick a parking spot farther away and walk to your work place

  4. Get up from your desk and do simple stretches every half hour. Have a healthy snack

  5. On every hour, get up and refresh your water

  6. Eat lunch and walk for 20-30 minutes

  7. Walk around while on the phone or in a meeting

  8. Get up from your desk each hour and perform 10 squats and change the next hour to 10 push ups and stretches

  9. Eat dinner while standing at the counter

  10. Add a 20 to 30 minute evening walk

  11. Do a one-minute plank while watching TV

  12. Do 20 jumping jacks during commercials


This active schedule will keep you moving and well hydrated. Sitting is the new smoking. Too much sitting is linked to cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes, obesity, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat, high cholesterol levels and even some cancers. 

Reprogram your daily schedule to give you a metabolic makeover.

About Kimberly Hicks-Ruttan

I’m the founder of Fit2Move - virtual fitness in your home, on your own time. I am a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer. Connect with me on Facebook where I run a FREE group called Fit Tips with Kimberly or try out a class on my onpodio website.